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  • 28 Aug 2012 7:11 AM | Jeffrey Messier (Administrator)
    Click here for the 

  • 27 Aug 2012 12:00 PM | Jeffrey Messier (Administrator)
    The Advanced Technology Council is hosting 3 Webinars on Advancing the Engineering Applications for Hazard Mitigation.  

    Check them out here: ATC Events 
  • 20 Aug 2012 7:24 AM | Jeffrey Messier (Administrator)

    Check out the Sustainability E-News from the Masonry Society

  • 15 Aug 2012 7:09 AM | Jeffrey Messier (Administrator)
  • 13 Aug 2012 7:18 AM | Jeffrey Messier (Administrator)
    Check out the Masonry Society Newsletter

  • 14 May 2012 8:12 AM | Jeffrey Messier (Administrator)
    Click the link below for to check out the June 2012 issue of the NCSEA Member Newsletter

  • 21 Feb 2012 1:04 PM | Jeffrey Messier (Administrator)


    Are you a designer who can build? Are you a machinist who can design?

    The Discovery Channel is looking for America's most creative and daring techies, machinists, inventors and engineers to design, build, and BLAST their way to a Grand Prize on their new competition TV show TOP ENGINEER.

    A handful of lucky men and women will be chosen to take on exciting challenges from various engineering fields at the state-of-the-art WET Design facilities ( in California.

    No, you don't need to have an engineering degree to compete on this show, but you MUST be able to design, build, test and integrate an idea into a final product that WORKS. These will be fast-paced, hands-on, VISCERAL challenges! If your experience is strictly behind the keyboard, then this show is NOT for you.

    We are looking for visual effects experts, accomplished home shop machinists, contractors and engineers with backgrounds in electrical, civil, structural or mechanical engineering.

    If you have an outgoing personality and are ready to get your hands dirty for the chance to win a GRAND PRIZE and the title of TOP ENGINEER, then we want to hear from you.


    Email with your name, age, location, phone number, a recent photo and a brief explanation of why you are perfect for this competition show.

    * Deadline to submit is March 7, 2012. Applicants must be U.S. citizens or residents at least 21 years of age. For more information, please visit

  • 17 Feb 2012 3:30 PM | Jeffrey Messier (Administrator)
    We would like to thank SEAoA member Richard Dahlmann and all of our SEAoA Member judges for participating in the Future Cities competition this year. Richard has spearheaded this effort for the last 3 years and built it into something that the SEAoA can be proud of and a fine example of our mission to reach out to the community and educate them about our profession. 

    From Rich Dahlmann:
    The SEAoA is proud to have given a society award at the recent Future Cities competition for the Phoenix region. Future Cities is a program set up for 6th, 7th and 8th graders across the nation and is designed to encourage engineering to our youth. Around 300 teams started this competition in September and 92 teams made it the regional finals.

    The participants engage in a several month long expedition to compete in the Future Cities program. They have several deliverables that are due over a four-month timeframe. First, the students design a city using Sim City software. They all have the same guidelines and the cities are judges according to how well they meet the criteria. The second deliverable involves the students writing an essay and narrative about their city. Third, they build a physical model of a portion of their city. This is to be built to scale, and the students have a maximum budget of $100. Finally, they make a 7-minute presentation to a team of judges regarding their city.
    Several awards are presented to the winning teams. The top team in the overall competition represents Arizona at the national finals in Washington D.C. In addition to the overall competition awards, over 20 society awards were handed out. These are from all the varying engineering and architectural societies across the valley.

    The SEAoA award was given for “Most Innovative Structures” with the criteria being the best use of structural principles taking into account unique structural loading due to local conditions (earthquake, wind…).
    I need to thank our terrific team of judges. Our team included Pam Kotrys, Elena Badilla, Cody Haptonstall, Ben Crellin and myself. This team put in several hours reviewing essays and narratives in order to narrow down our choices from 92 to around 20. Many team members then went to the main City of Phoenix library during the week before the competition in order to review the models that were built. This narrowed the field further. On Saturday, January 28, we had the opportunity to meet with these teams and view many of their presentations. From here, the final selections were made and our winner was decided.

    The SEAoA’s award was presented to the city named “River Valley”. A team from Payne Junior High School in the southeast valley constructed this city. River Valley is to be situated along the San Andres fault. Their residential area was located underground and was protected from seismic activity using the same principles that protect missile silos. They also have a dome with solar panels mounted to it. These solar panels move around the dome, tracking the sun for the most efficiency.

    Congratulations to River Valley- hopefully we have some future structural engineers in the making.

    From this competition, and other interactions with students, it is apparent that structural engineering is not well known to the public. Participation in events like this and the Engineering Day activities at the Arizona Science Center help introduce young minds to Structural Engineering. Encounters like this may open up opportunities for students that they didn’t even know existed before.

    Please consider participating in events like these. It does make a difference.
    Richard Dahlmann

  • 07 Sep 2011 9:53 AM | Anonymous

    The balloting for 2011-2012 Directors and Officers is closed and the following SEAoA members have been elected to direct the association for the coming year.

    President (one year term) - John Woodson

    Directors (two year terms) - Allan Ortega, Mike Lu, Richard Dahlmann, Ben Crellin

    Director at Large (one year term) - Jeffrey Messier

    Past President (one year term) - Tres Warner

    View additional information on the new Board Members by clicking here to jump to our on-line directory.

    Thank you to all those members that participated in the on-line balloting.

  • 07 Aug 2011 11:36 AM | Anonymous
    The SEAoA Code Committee Meeting, originally scheduled for August 9th, has been moved to September 13th. Get details and RSVP for this meeting by clicking here.
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