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  • 30 Jul 2019 4:12 PM | Sarah Betts (Administrator)

    The SEAoA Board wants to recognize and congratulate two of our SEAoA Young Members, Anthony Wulfers and Victoria Flys, who received scholarships to attend the NCSEA Summit this year in Anaheim. There were a lot of scholarship applicants this year so this is a great achievement for these two Arizona young members. Below is a link to the NCSEA website describing the scholarship.

    Victoria and Anthony's bios are highlighted below:

    Victoria Flys is a structural EIT at Meyer Borgman Johnson and received her B.S.E and M.S.E in Civil (Structural) Engineering from Arizona State University. She is an active member of SEAoA's Younger Member Group, serving previously as University Outreach/Student Liaison chair. She is also on the NCSEA Steering Committee for the Timber Strong Design Build Competition at the 2019 NCSEA Summit and is a volunteer with the ACE Mentor Program in Phoenix.

    Anthony Wulfers been a structural engineer for Caruso Turley Scott Structural Engineers for 7 years.  While there, he has worked on a wide variety of projects ranging from single story commercial like OHSO in downtown Gilbert up to an 11 story tower for Carvana in Las Vegas.  Anthony graduated from Missouri University of Science and Technology in Rolla, MO with a MS in 2012 and BS in 2010.  He has attended a few of the events put on by the young member group and was a participant on the trivia team that won our regional two years ago.

    Congratulations Anthony and Victoria and enjoy the NCSEA Summit!

  • 02 Mar 2019 11:56 AM | Sarah Betts (Administrator)

    We are pleased to announce that Early Registration for attendees is now open for our 53rd Anniversary SEAoA Convention and Conference. These Early Registration rates will expire on Monday April 30th. 

    This year, the Thursday morning sessions are also included in your registration for a total of 13.25 PDH credits offered for the 2019 Convention.

    Click Here to Register!

  • 04 Feb 2019 11:16 AM | Sarah Betts (Administrator)

    Vendor Registration is now open for the 2019 SEAoA Convention and Conference in Scottsdale, AZ from june 13th-15th. Please click on the link below for more information and registration:

  • 17 Dec 2018 4:38 PM | Sarah Betts (Administrator)

    As of January 1, 2019 all projects submitted in City of Tucson and Pima County will be required to designed to the 2108 IBC/IRC with COT/PC ammendments.

    OV Amendments (different than COT/PC) are online and their new codes start 1/4/19.

    Marana's are not ready yet and their adoption date is not set ("hopefully in January").

  • 21 Nov 2018 3:47 PM | Sarah Betts (Administrator)
    In order to  provide an organization that better fits the needs of both SEAoA members and non-members alike, the SEAoA board has prepared a short Membership Survey.  

    The survey can be found here:

    For all who complete the survey and provide your name and email, you'll be entered in a random drawing for one of two $40 Amazon gift cards. The last day to submit your survey and be entered into the drawing will be December 5, 2018. We encourage both members and non-members to complete the survey to help SEAoA leadership better understand your needs for our organization.  

    Thanks in advance for your assistance.

  • 18 Jun 2014 7:43 AM | Binggeng (Mike) Lu (Administrator)

    Dear all SEAoA members and friends,

    The report of "Snow Loads in Arizona" is available for membership review.Ground Snow Loads in Arizona for Membership Review

    Please provide your comments or questions by July 12, 2014 to our Code Committee Chair Paul Scott at or Report author Scott Freestone at

    For your information, the most complete pertinent information is found in the table in Appendix A.  The document is searchable, except the scanned report in Appendix B.


    Thank you,



  • 30 May 2014 2:19 PM | Binggeng (Mike) Lu (Administrator)

    SEAoA Committee Meeting:

    Time: June 11th 3pm to 5pm

    Location: Phoenix Area @ CTS conference room; Tucson Area: M3 Office



    1. Continue to review the City of Phoenix SSI Certification Program.

    2. Start the State Snow Load discussion in order to respond to ASCE 07.  ASCE 7 is asking for input from us regarding the snow loads in AZ.   


    There will a conference call between the 2 locations. If you plan to attend, Phoenix area contact Paul Scott for at; Tucson area, contact Mike Lu at




  • 07 Jan 2014 11:44 AM | Anonymous
    The Phoenix ACE Mentor Program is looking for Structural Engineers to volunteer as Mentors for High School Students participating in the 2014 ACE Mentor Program at Metro Tech High School. The ACE Program is designed to introduce high school students to the wide range of career opportunities open to young people in architecture, construction, engineering, and related areas of the building design and construction industry. Students in the ACE program work closely with their mentors on hypothetical projects that provide hands-on experience in solving the types of design, engineering, and construction challenges industry professionals confront every day. 

    Follow link for tentative 2014 schedule. Meetings typically occur on every Thursday from Jan 9th to May 8th at 4pm at Metro Tech High School. The program is specifically looking for 2 engineers that would be able to participate on a weekly or almost weekly basis. Please contact me if you are able to volunteer or have any questions about the program.

    Ben Crellin, P.E.
    2012-2013 SEAoA State President

  • 04 Aug 2013 6:33 PM | Anonymous
    PDH certificates for the 2013 SEAoA Convention main program and optional SEER seminar were sent out over the weekend to the email address that you have listed in your contact information on this website. Please contact if you have failed to receive a certificate for a seminar that you have attended. 
  • 22 Jul 2013 8:44 PM | Anonymous
    SEAoA Members,

    Every two years the Western Council of Structural Engineers Association (WCSEA), which we are all members of, has a WCSEA Round-Up.  These Round-Up’s provide a great way to get continuing education, great networking with engineers who practice in the Western US and have some leisure time in some very interesting places in the West.  In fact SEAoA has hosted the Round-Up numerous times in the past.

    This year the Round-Up is being hoisted by SEAH at the Hapuna Beach Prince Hotel, Kohala Coast, Hawaii, October 2- 5, 2013  which is on the dryer side of the Big Island.  Attached you find the Registration form and the Tentative Program.  You will notice that the programs are only in the morning since I guess it is difficult keep focused when the waves are crashing a 100 yards away.  In addition since SEAoA is a member organization of WCSEA you get to go per the Member Price for this event as with any other event the other member organizations hold.  As your WCSEA Delegate I encourage you to attend this event and support other member organizations.  If you have any questions about this event please do not hesitate to contact me.


    Ron Schneider, P.E., S.E.
    WCSEA Delegate

    AnnMtg 2013 Registration.doc
    AnnMtg 2013 Tentative Joint Program.doc
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