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  • 02 Oct 2023 3:32 PM | Sarah Betts (Administrator)

    The October issue of the Structural Engineers Association of Arizona Newsletter is now available to view! October 2023 Newsletter.pdf

    Please read to keep up to date on all the current happenings with the SEAoA, articles from SEAoA Board Members and information pertaining to the structural engineering industry.

    If you have any articles, ideas, or comments for future newsletters, please send them to

  • 07 Aug 2023 1:49 PM | Sarah Betts (Administrator)

    The July - September 2023 issue of the Structural Engineers Association of Arizona Newsletter is now available to view! July - September 2023 Newsletter

    Please read to keep up to date on all the current happenings with the SEAoA, articles from SEAoA Board Members and information pertaining to the structural engineering industry.

  • 20 Jun 2023 3:03 PM | Sarah Betts (Administrator)

    For those that missed our 2023 Excellence Awards presentation at this year's conference, the slides can be found here:

    2023 SEAoA Excellence Awards

    For a list of this year's winners and all previous winners: SEAoA - Excellence in Structural Engineering Awards

    Congratulations to this year's winners!

  • 17 Jun 2023 8:54 AM | Sarah Betts (Administrator)

  • 13 Apr 2023 7:58 PM | Sarah Betts (Administrator)

    The April 2023 issue of the Structural Engineers Association of Arizona Newsletter is now available to view! April 2023 Newsletter

    Please read to keep up to date on all the current happenings with the SEAoA, articles from SEAoA Board Members and information pertaining to the structural engineering industry.

    If you have any articles, ideas, or comments for future newsletters, please send them to

  • 15 Mar 2023 2:46 PM | Sarah Betts (Administrator)

    We’re excited to announce that Early Registration is now open for the 2023 convention! These Early Registration rates will expire May 1st. We will be returning to the Scottsdale/Paradise Valley Doubletree on June 15th through 17th. The Speaker Committee has secured world renowned Dr. S.K. Gosh to be our keynote presenter and is working on a great lineup of other speakers covering a range of topics. This convention will follow our familiar format with multiple presentation tracks, promising to keep everyone interested with a total of 12 PDH credits offers. A full lineup of presentations will be announced and posted to our website when it has been finalized. 

    Early Registration Rates: $345 for Members, $465 for Non-Members

    After May 1: $395 for Members and $530 for Non-Members

    For more information and registration click the image below: 

    On behalf of the Board of Directors we look forward to you joining us and another great Conference! 

    SEAoA Convention Organizing Committee


    SEAoA Board of Directors

  • 08 Mar 2023 12:25 PM | Sarah Betts (Administrator)


    2023 Excellence in Structural Engineering Awards

    Call for Entries

    The SEAoA is once again looking for the best and the brightest projects from our members so that we may showcase them at our Annual Convention. 

    There is no fee to enter and projects are not limited to those in Arizona, so be proud and show us what you got!

    Truly outstanding projects may also get forwarded on to compete for the National Excellence awards with entries from other SEA organizations across the country. 

    Complete Rules and Submission Requirements

    Submission Checklist

    Entry Form

    Entries must be received no later than 4:00pm on May 1, 2023

  • 24 Feb 2023 11:17 AM | Sarah Betts (Administrator)

    We are pleased to announce that Vendor Registration is now open for our 57th Anniversary SEAoA Convention and Conference in Scottsdale, AZ! Our conference's success depends greatly on the support and involvement of our amazing exhibitors. It's a privilege to have many great companies from the structural engineering industry join us every year. For more information and to register, click the image below. 

  • 25 Jan 2023 10:16 AM | Sarah Betts (Administrator)

    The January 2023 issue of the Structural Engineers Association of Arizona Newsletter is now available to view! January 2023 Newsletter

    Please read to keep up to date on all the current happenings with the SEAoA, articles from SEAoA Board Members and information pertaining to the structural engineering industry.

    If you have any articles, ideas, or comments for future newsletters, please send them to

  • 10 Nov 2022 1:46 PM | Sarah Betts (Administrator)

    The SEAoA Board would like to announce the Younger Members Group (YMG) Board for the 2022-2023 year! We're grateful to the new board for their time and energy in volunteering for these board positions.  Please join us in welcoming the new YMG Board and encouraging our younger members to get active in this great new group!

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