1.) Welcome & Introductions
Present: Paul Scott, Bill Keppel, Bruce Swanney, Clarence Campbell, Arpan Tailor, Jim Rogers, George Stevenson (Via phone from Tucson), Steven Hess(Via phone from Tucson)
2.) Review Mission Statement
The following addition to the Mission Statement was discussed and decided.
"To offer opinions regarding Code Issues and to propose code modifications to jurisdictions as required in the practice of structural engineering."
3.) Review Mission Statement
The follow word was deleted after discussion by the committee.
"The Code Committee is an advisory committee working under the direction of the SEAoA Board. It is the responsibility of the State Board to issue any official position statement.
4.) Review the Following Items:
The state board has recently decided to have a state code committee and both the Central and Tucson chapters have decided to have their individual committee codes work together. As a way to start the effort I have attached the following:
A. Code Committee items CC09- 1,2,3,4,5 and 6 from the Central Chapter . These items were discussed and resolved by the Central Chapter Code Committee and now need the review of the Tucson Chapter Committee and any additional review from the Central Chapter.
What is the best way to accomplish this review? The Central Chapter placed these items on the SEAoA web site and notified, via the newsletter, the membership that the item was on the SEAoA website and review and comments from members are welcome.
B. Items CC09-7 through 15 are shown in a single document and need further review.
C. The blank "Code Committee Item" document to be used to submit items to the code committee.
D. There were two new items submitted:
CC10-16: Should the Code be amended to have the pre-engineered wood truss. Light gage steel truss or steel joist engineer seal the truss or joist calculations and the structural member layout prepared by the truss or joist engineer?
CC10-17: How is "Work of a minor nature" defined as to qualify for the exception in section 1704.1?
E. Next Code Committee Meeting: November 9th, 2010 at SEAoA office.
Respectfully Submitted,
Paul Scott