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January 8, 2013 Committee Meeting Notes

  • 06 Feb 2013 3:58 PM
    Message # 1201042


    Paul Scott (CTS Office)

    Clarence Campbell (CTS Office)

    Bill Thompson (CTS Office)

    Arpan Tail (VIA Phone)

    George Stevenson (VIA Phone)

    1.       Arizona Masonry Guild Wall
    • The consensus was to not review and endorse any engineering in the future.        
    2.       6 year Code Cycle
    • The 5 to 6 year code cycle was discussed.
    • The consensus was that the 3 year cycle was too short and that the 5 to 6 year cycle is more appropriate.
    • The consensus was that there could be as many errata and addenda as necessary for any of the codes.
    •  A policy statement will be issued stating this position.
    3.       Review Item CC10-32 with info from the City of Scottsdale
    • Paul passed out copies of the City of Scottsdale item.
    • This will be revised at the next code committee meeting
    4.       Review/discuss the 2012 IBC and ASCE 7 -10.
    • There was discussion about the 2012 IBC and the ASCE7-10. The discussion was that they are both still very new.

    5     City of Phx Amendments  To IBC 606.12  see attached, IBC 301.5 see attached, IBC 401.4.1 see attached

    • Discussed the R606.17 Seismic Requirements amendment.
    • This amendment was generally met with agreement by the Code Committee and the Committee moved to approve the amendment as written.
    • Clarence Campbell moved to approve the amendment and Bill Thompson 2nd it. The vote was four members approved and one member did not approve.
    • Discussed the R301.5 Footnote E, Sleeping Room Live Load. The Code Committee discussed the amendment that would have the entire floor live.
    • Paul Scott and George Stevenson moved to accept the amendment and Arpan Tail 2nd it. The amendment was met with unanimous approval from the Code Committee.
    • Discussed R401.4.1 Geotechnical Evaluation. The Code Committee discussed this amendment and the consensus was that this amendment is reasonable.
    • It was moved by Clarence Campbell and was 2nd by Bill Thompson. All 5 members voted yes on this amendment.

    5.       Steel Joists ( IBC 2207.4 )

    • Discussed Steel Joists (IBC 2207.4).
    • George Stevenson explained his position on the issue of requiring the steel joists manufactures to sign & seal the steel joist erection / placement drawings.
    • This was discussed and it was acknowledged that the Steel Joist Institute has worked out an agreement with NCSEA regarding not requiring a seal or signature on the erection/placement drawings.
    • George mentioned that perhaps a better approach might be to require the steel joist calculations to include design loads.
    • No action was taken on this topic however. George offered to help write an amendment to require this in structural calculations.

    6.       Regulatory Bill of Rights ( see attached )

    • Discussed the new state law regarding the time frame jurisdictions must adhere to for the building permits.
    • No one knew why this became a state law, however there may be unintended consequences because of this law.
    •  The Code Committee will be available to follow up on this law.

    Future Topics:

              1.) F/U of 6 year code cycle.

    2.) Steel Joists

    3.) City of Scottsdale Item

    4.) How to ask the Code Committee to review an item.

    5.) Review/ Discuss the 2012 IBC & ASCE 7-10

    6.) Other

    Last modified: 06 Feb 2013 3:58 PM | Paul Scott
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